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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A few new products

I'm finding myself so busy with sewing lately, which is awesome, but a lot of the time I'm not taking photos of things before they sell at markets. It's hard when I'm a bit of a gumby with a camera! My hubby can take good photos, but he's not home during daylight hours during the weekdays and then weekends can become quite hectic.

So I've taken a couple of pics of 3 new lined drawstring bags that I've made up and I'm loving how they are looking. Excuse the photos... the products do look better in real life, but at least I've got a little bit of a record!! haha.


close up of puppies

elephants (how cute is that fabric!!)

close up of elephants

bunnies with pink gumboots (really pretty, but doesn't come across all that well)

close up of the bunnies

He's so handsome

Gee I'm loving 4 and a half. What a lovely age and a big change from the struggles I had with a threenager! I'm loving the cool stuff I'm doing with Jack lately - cool conversations, awesome craft, hanging out, watching movies, playing, kids stuff :)

He's my little mate and he's awesome :)

Handsome little man

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Made it newsletter!!

2 weeks ago I was excited to see I was featured in the Made It newsletters for undiscovered sellers. Very exciting!

Here's a link to the newsletter...  linky

The product was one of my lined drawstring bags. Yay!

A feature :)

Only 3 more sleeps until my next market at Erina. The Handmade Craft Market is on again this Sunday and I'm excited! There'll be so many stalls, live music, free facepainting and a reptile man. What's not to like!?!

In the lead up to the market, I've been featured on the Handmade Cooperative Blog which is very exciting!!!

Strangely, it's 3 sleeps out from market and I *may* actually be almost ready... usually a couple of nights out from market I'm racing around like a crazy person getting everything ready.

But of course, I've now thought of many more things I want to get done for market, so I WILL be racing around like a crazy person sewing sewing sewing.

But who am I kidding?? I love it ;)


Friday, August 12, 2011


Chicken Sausage Rolls

I'm back on my weight watchers journey. I've managed to maintain for 10 months after losing around 35 kilos after having my second son.

I've still got 10 kilos to go, so I'm back on track :) This time, I'm going with a lovely friend of mine and we are both motivated. I'm even ready to do some fitness!

Weight watchers online have SO many recipes to look at. I need inspiration, so have been searching for recipes that look yummy.

I found this one and made it up. It was delicious!! Here's the recipe

Chicken Sausage Rolls
points per serve - 3. Servings - 16

400 grams of Chicken Mince
1 medium carrot (grated)
1 medium zuchinni (grated)
2 tablespoons of honey
2 sheets of reduced-fat puff pastry

Set oven at 200 degrees
Mix the 1st four ingredients in a bowl
Cut pastry sheets in half and spread mix down the centre of each half
Fold each over filling, overlapping edges and place the join underneath
Brush with milk and cut each roll into 4
Place on greased oven tray and bake for 30 mins or until golden

(great to take to work with a salad)

(and yes. I did try to plate it up just like Masterchef!!)

A new laptop!!! finally

For the past few months, I haven't had a computer. It has been driving me batty! There's only a limited amount of things that can be done on an iphone.

I've missed blogging. There's been many times I've thought "oooh, I should blog about that" but then haven't due to no computer.

But no more! I've got a new laptop. Yay!

Looking forward to joining in on blogging and checking out lots of blogs that I've missed :)