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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February Challenge - sewing with knit fabric

The next challenge for the 12 months 12 sewing challenge is to sew something in knit fabric. I'm a little scared of using the fabric, but I'm going to give it a go. I have been reading up on some tips, so all I can do is try!

One of my close girlfriends has a little boy the same age as my youngest son (9 months) and her husband plays soccer for a local team. He is really into his team... REALLY into it, so I'm going to make a little soccer shirt for the baby from one of his old shirts.

It's going to be a surprise for both parents, so I sneakily asked another guy from the soccer team for an old shirt. He got one for me and also asked if I could make a second shirt for his baby! So, it looks like I'll be making 2 shirts for this month's challenge!

Here is the shirt before I attacked it with scissors!

Here are the pattern pieces all cut out

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah...They are seriously just going to love it! And now that it has already started, the rest of the team will be after you to make them for their kids too. I missed the January challenge, I just found the challenge yesterday, and found your blog from the sign up list for the 12 months 12 sewing challenges. - I can't wait to see your finished item:)
